After a good nights rest, for some, we were off on our third day of riding.
The sun was doing its best to shine through the clouds but was fighting a losing battle…..never mind, at least it wasn’t raining.
The most challenging climb of the day came within the first 5 miles and everyone coped admirably which is more than can be said for our electronic gismo’s which were struggling from the outset.
Today’s ride was, on the whole, pretty level……ish so we were able to enjoy the first leg without incident. The chuck wagon appeared and everyone was grateful for a warm cuppa and sugar fix. Our numbers were swelled for the second leg as Rachel joined us (actually swelling our numbers by 2 as she is ‘with child’….. Pregnancy is no excuse to sit out of an ACT tour!)
The scenery was amazing riding through Burren National Park, even the challenging head wind couldn’t dampen the spirits. Once we had cleared the national park we were then treated to the customary ‘Father Ted’s House’ photo opportunity (evidence of which can be seen on various face book pages)
Due to unforeseen circumstances the chaps arrived at stop number two before the tuck wagon……. Fortunately they were saved from having to wait without liquid refreshment as a nearby hostelry was found…..phew, panic avoided, the ladies were also able to locate a pub but theirs served tea……came as quite a shock to the chaps that pubs serve anything other than beer!! .Rachel was the hero of the tea stop by purchasing a piping hot 12 inch pizza from a local convenience store……..the bench has now been set that little bit higher for Ray’s first stop)
As always, the last 20 miles were a little tricky given the side and head winds that come off Galway Bay but the group descended into the city and navigated their way to home for the night, The Victoria Hotel.
The group were left to their own devises for the night as Galway is an excellent city to explore and enjoy……..let’s hope they don’t enjoy too much though…….another 70 miles in the saddle awaits them tomorrow.